
I'm testing a class with PHPSpec which is going fine until I wanted to create a mock for a class that has static functions.

Class I'm testing:


namespace App\Service;

class PaymentService

    public function paymentVerification($orderId, array $data)

        // Get the payment details
        $payment = \PayPal\Api\Payment::get($data['payKey'], $apiContext);


PHPSpec class:


namespace App\Spec\Service;

use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
use Prophecy\Argument;

class PaymentServiceSpec extends ObjectBehavior
     * @param \PayPal\API\Payment $payment
    function it_should_return_false_when_the_payment_verification_failed($payment)
        // This throws a PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method PhpSpec\Wrapper\Collaborator::get() in
        $payment::get(Argument::exact($data['payKey']), Argument::exact($apiContext))->shouldReturn(array('foobar'));


        $this->paymentVerification($orderId, $data)->shouldReturn(false);

How can I mock \PayPal\Api\Payment::get($data['payKey'], $apiContext); ? Currently this throws a PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method PhpSpec\Wrapper\Collaborator::get()

How can this be done correctly? Thanks in advance!

도움이 되었습니까?


You should avoid doing it. Create a thin layer which will wrap the paypal library. Mock your own stuff.

See https://github.com/phpspec/prophecy/pull/20#issuecomment-18133965

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