
I am developing an app where I have more than 5 tabs at the bottom and don't want to use the UITabBarController which limits unto 5 tabs and more Tab, so I am looking for the alternative to the custom TabBar which can give the scrolling functionality to choose any tab. I came across this custom tab bar which is good but I am looking for option which can have similar look to the UITabBarController tabs with label at the bottom and image. Please suggest some options guys.

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You need implement your custom tabbar - with 2 views:

1-st view - content view. You will add current selected controller to it as subview.
2-nd view - tabbar view. You will have collection view here. Each cell will be your button. When cell is selected you add view controller for this cell to content view.


Take a look on this example: https://github.com/antrix1989/CustomTabBar/tree/master/CustomTabBar

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