
Good day, First post here for me! I couldn't find any answer to my problem even if stackoverflow community has helped me many times this past week to code this project.

Here is what I want to do : I work as an intern for a big company that makes private jets and I've been asked to find a simple way to find information into a specific table. This table regroups all of the aircrafts sold by the company with particular information regarding each one of them.

As I said, I manage to do a lot thanks to this website but now I have a really particular thing to do.

When a user knows which aircraft to look for, it opens a tab ("RESULTS") with all the information about this aircraft. This is the first search option. It works like a charm!

Here is my excel interface : http://i.stack.imgur.com/TXcpY.jpg

But when a user doesn't know which aircraft to look for, he has the option to search for a model or an interior owner (or both) through the User interface ("SEARCH" tab). The code executes and the sheet "RESULTS2" lists all the aircrafts with a command button in the search column. I've created these buttons with OLEObjects.add and everything worked well.

Now, I need to assign a code to each one of these objects (Commandbutton1, Commandbutton2, ... , CommandbuttonN). Everytime the user clicks on a commandbutton, it executes the code of the first search (the one when the user knows the aircraft number) with the aircraft number on the same row.

I have the code I want to execute for each button which would be placed into the "RESULTS2" tab:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim avion As String
Dim lRow2 As Long

Set sourceBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("SEARCH")
Set sourceSheet1 = sourceBook.Sheets("TABLE")
Set sourceSheet2 = sourceBook.Sheets("RESULTS")
Set sourceSheet3 = sourceBook.Sheets("RESULTS2")

'Set "avion" as the aircraft number on the button row ("RESULTS2" tab)
avion = sourceSheet3.Cells(6, "B").Value

'Set the aircraft number on the "SEARCH" tab (User interface) as "avion"
sourceSheet.Cells(5, "E").Value = avion

'Calls the macro to execute search
Call sourceSheet.Searchaircraft

End Sub

The result in this particular case would be only for the first row's button (Commandbutton1).

Is there any way to create a Private Sub for ALL command buttons? Or maybe creating a for loop with :

For i=1 To LastRow

    Private Sub "Commandbutton" & i & "_click()"
    avion = sourceSheet3.Cells(i+5, "B").Value
    End Sub

Next i

For your information, here is the part of the code in the "SEARCH" tab which creates the commandbuttons (it is inside a for loop to create each line) :

            Set rng = sourceSheet3.Range("G" & n)
            Set mybutton = sourceSheet3.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CommandButton.1")
            rng.Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
            With mybutton
                .Object.Caption = "<->"
                .Object.Font.Size = 3
                .Left = rng.Left + 1
                .Top = rng.Top + 1
                .Height = 11.75
                .Width = 60
            End With

Any help from you would be really appreciated! This thing is driving me nut since a few hours...!

Thank you and have a nice day, Alex


Nutsch's answer was the one!

Here is the code I wrote in a module :

`Public Sub WhichButton()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdNewTerm_Click

Dim avion As String
Dim ButtonText As String
Dim b As Object
Dim Ligne As Integer

Set sourceBook = ActiveWorkbook
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("SEARCH")
Set sourceSheet1 = sourceBook.Sheets("TABLE")
Set sourceSheet2 = sourceBook.Sheets("RESULTS")
Set sourceSheet3 = sourceBook.Sheets("RESULTS2")

'Vérification de quel bouton a été appuyé
Set b = sourceSheet3.Buttons(Application.Caller)
    With b.TopLeftCell
        Ligne = .Row
    End With

' Récupération du numéro de l'avion
avion = sourceSheet3.Cells(Ligne, "B").Text

' Inscription du numéro dans la page SEARCH
sourceSheet.Cells(5, "E").Value = avion

'Calls the macro to execute search
Call sourceSheet.Searchaircraft

' Fenêtre en cas d'erreur de programmation
GoTo Exit_cmdNewTerm_Click

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdNewTerm_Click


End Sub

And here is the code in my sheet to add buttons :

Set rng = sourceSheet3.Range("G" & n)
sourceSheet3.Buttons.Add(rng.Left + 1, rng.Top + 1, 60, 11.75).OnAction = "WhichButton"
sourceSheet3.Buttons.Caption = "Search"

Hope this will help someone one day. Thanks! Alex

도움이 되었습니까?


Use the same macro for all buttons and use application.caller to find out which button was pressed.

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