
I want to use java VisualVM to monitor the performance of my JAVA APP, but Java VisualVM can not get the detail data of the java task of eclipse. what should I do for this? is any one know? enter image description here

도움이 되었습니까?


Make sure you have -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote in the vmargs of Eclipse.

You can find out whether you have looking in this dialog: Help -> About -> Installation Details -> Configuration.

eclipse.vmargs=... shows all the arguments which were passed for the Java VM.

If this option is missing, then open eclipse.ini and search for the line -vmargs. If it's not there, add it at the end:


Note that each of these options should go on a different line.

Make sure that -vmargs is the last Eclipse option in the file; everything below will be assembled into an array of arguments to the VM and ignored by Eclipse.

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