
I'm currently writing a batch script to generate sprite sheets using TexturePacker's Command-line Tool.

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b sprites') do (
    TexturePacker --format "json" --data "sheets/%%i.json" --sheet "sheets/%%i.png" "sprites/%%i"

Quite simple so far but I was wondering if it were possible to generate a [*.tps] file from the tool as well. So that if someone wants to check the properties of the export they can do so through the TexturePackerGUI.

도움이 되었습니까?


This is the bash script I use to build all .tps files in a folder:

for i in *.tps; do TexturePacker assets/texture_packer/$i; done

다른 팁

This batch script generate all *.tps in folder:

for /R %%f in (*.tps) do "c:\Program Files\CodeAndWeb\TexturePacker\bin\TexturePacker.exe" %%f 
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