
I'm using the puma application server, and it has a config file at config/puma.rb:

path = "/home/starkers/Documents/" + Rails.application.class.parent_name + "/tmp/puma/"

threads 0,20

environment "production"

daemonize true
bind  "unix://" + path + "socket/puma.sock"
pidfile path + "pid/puma.pid"
state_path path + "pid/puma.state"

When running puma -C config/puma.rb to load this file and start the application server, everything works apart from the Rails.application.class.parent_name.

Can you think of anyway to get constants into the puma.rb file? Failing this, I suppose a workaround whcih gets the directory name of the root would work.

I'd like to use this attribute as well in the config, Rails.root, but I need to get the Rails constant in! Do I need to use require?

도움이 되었습니까?


You're going to need to load up your entire Rails app to get access to that object. You should be able to do this with a require 'config/environment' at the top of your puma.rb.

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