
I am considering changing Target device for one of my projects from Pocket PC 2003 Device to Windows Mobile.

I am new to the area however and would like first to explore pros and cons and potential issues I might have.

Finally and if possible, how can I change target device? I looked in Project Properties->Devices->Target device dropdown and that dropdowns lists only Pocket PC 2003 Devices, no Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher. However, I am on VS2008 and I know that I can create a brand new project targeting Windows Mobile 5.0, but how to change an old project from Pocket PC 2003 Device to Windows Mobile 5.0?

Much appreciated,


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Depending on the progr. language you can switch between Target platforms in the Solution Configuration Manager. There is a column with Platform. There you can click the drop down arrow and select and then change to any of the installed Windows Mobile SDKs you have installed on your PC.

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