
I am using two different libraries each having their own type for a point. Both types have x and y coordinates while each has also some special fields. I would like to store both types (say PointA and PointB) in a List. I can't use base-class since PointA and PointB are library types and cannot be modified.

There is this thing that I have to actually use a List inside a List (an array of array of points). The method I call from Library1 returns List<PointA> and the library2's method returns List<PointB>.

What is the best way to store these arrays of points inside one List? Using List<List<Object>> and casting each object from the returned array to Object? Seems like this could be done more elegantly.

도움이 되었습니까?


I could only think of one possible solution. Create your own "wrapper" class handling the type unification/conversion (untested):

class StoredPoint {
    PointA pa;
    PointB pb;

    public StoredPoint (PointA other) {
        pa = other;
        // pb is null

    public StoredPoint (PointB other) {
        pb = other;
        // pa is null

    public static implicit operator StoredPoint(PointA other) {
        return new StoredPoint(other);

    public static implicit operator StoredPoint(PointB other) {
        return new StoredPoint(other);

    public static implicit operator PointA(StoredPoint point) {
        if (pa != null)
            return pa;
        return PointA(0,0); // some default value in case you can't return null

    public static implicit operator PointA(StoredPoint point) {
        if (pa != null)
            return pa;
        return PointA(0,0); // some default value in case you can't return null

    public static implicit operator PointB(StoredPoint point) {
        if (pb != null)
            return pb;
        return PointB(0,0); // some default value in case you can't return null

Then you could just create a list using List<StoredPoint> and add both types of points to it. Whether you're able to use the resulting list is some different issue (mostly due to error handling etc.).

다른 팁

You can just use the non-generic ArrayList, as found in the System.Collections library.

But a better option would probably be that you create your own point class and convert the PointA and PointB objects to it.

For instance, say you define your own type PointList:

public class PointList : List<MegaPoint>

(where MegaPoint is your own definition of a point).

So every item in the list is guaranteed to be of type MegaPoint. Then, if you want to add lists of the other types, implement methods such as:

public void AddFrom(List<PointA> points)


public void AddFrom(List<PointB> points)

which don't just add the items, but convert them to your "generic" MegaPoints.

Now your code can use the libraries as needed but your List will always contain a single type, MegaPoint, that contains the right properties for your application.

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