
I created an Asp.Net MVC 5 project and then used NuGet to add hottowl (which includes Breeze). I have the following controller.

public class BreezeController : ApiController
    readonly EFContextProvider<ApplicationDbContext> _contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<ApplicationDbContext>();

    public string Metadata()
        return _contextProvider.Metadata();

    public IQueryable<Event> Events()
        return _contextProvider.Context.Events;

And the following code exists in file BreezeWebApiConfig.cs. However, I always got the 404 error when try to access http://localhost:49890/Breeze/Events. Did I miss anything? Or is the following breeze routing not working?

using System.Web.Http;

[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(
    typeof(ST13a.App_Start.BreezeWebApiConfig), "RegisterBreezePreStart")]
namespace ST13a.App_Start {
  /// Inserts the Breeze Web API controller route at the front of all Web API routes
  /// This class is discovered and run during startup; see
  /// http://blogs.msdn.com/b/davidebb/archive/2010/10/11/light-up-your-nupacks-with-startup-code-and-webactivator.aspx
  public static class BreezeWebApiConfig {

    public static void RegisterBreezePreStart() {
          name: "BreezeApi",
          routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
도움이 되었습니까?


It looks like you are missing a portion of your route -


Should work

If you want to not be redundant you could either change your prefix ('breeze') or change the controller name ('Breeze')

다른 팁

Are you using latest breeze? See How will I use breeze with Entity Framework 6 with .net 4.0 which said "You need to install "Breeze Server - for Web API 2" (Breeze.Server.WebApi2).". Try update your hottowel package and try.

As of 11/19/2013, out of the 4 hottowel packages, I only see this one use Breeze.Sever.WebApi2: HotTowel.Angular.Breeze . Maybe the other packages need update to support WebApi2.

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