
I am using SharePoint 2007 Enterprise + Publishing portal template + Windows Server 2008. I have a root site and a sub-site. I want to enable the following function -- when the sub-site administrator publishing a page, the administrator could select to publish to the sub-site only or publish to both root site and sub-site.

Any ideas how to implement this? I am not sure whether there is any ready-to-use solution without writing code?

thanks in advance!

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Assuming that the root and sub-site administrators are the same person, a simple way to do this is by using Manage Content and Structure as described previously.

Browse to the root site and open Manage Content and Structure. Then change the view to "All Draft Documents". You can then then use the drop-down menu on each page and choose the Publish option.

Update after comment:

As they are not the same person, the short answer is that SharePoint doesn't support this scenario out of the box. I think you would need to write a custom workflow to make this happen.

다른 팁

If all you want to do is make it directly navigable from pages in the root site (using something that looks and behaves like a menu) you might want to add a boolean field "ShowOnRootSite" to your custom page content type and have a ContentQueryWebPart on the root site that rolls up all pages in your sitecollection where ShowOnRootSite = true.

That way you don't have to maintain content on two pages and worry about keeping content in synch when one of them changes. If one of your goals is that you actually want to have two separate pages that are disconnected from each other then the above trick won't be of much use to you.

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