
I'm looking for a combination of an app like RunKeeper that tracks my running speed, with an app (+hardware?) to track my heart rate.

I'm currently running with RunKeeper (to track my speed) and also wearing an chestband+wristwatch (to track my heart rate). It would be nice to get rid of the wristwatch, if there's some app (and chestband receiver hardware?) to combine the data.

I've seen some apps that only do heart rate monitoring, but I don't want to switch between 2 apps while running.

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Runtastic has a solution for heart-rate sensor bands communicating with the Runtastic apps (which are similar to RunKeeper) via a sensor key which is attached to the iPhone: http://runtastic.com/en/sensors

The dongle is as expensive as for the Digifit, but the app is a lot more affordable.

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There is Digifit which is software that works with any ANT+ enabled devices by brand names such as Adidas, Garmin, StarTrac and Timex.

Wahoo Fitness

You might like to check out Wahoo Fitness - it's also an Ant+ dongle like Digifit, but unlike Digifit it works with a whole different ecosystem of apps (not just the default Digifit one) - defintely the widest range of all the apps you've listed here, and including Runkeeper as well so you don't need to change which running app you use.

heart reate monitor

can use this with lots of different apps

Good luck, and happy running.

My friend, there is no need stop using Runkeeper! Runkeeper is fully compatible with great chest heart rate monitor - Beets BLU HRM! I use it with Runkeeper every day and I'm really satisfied.

There are also detailed setup insructions for Runkeeper on their website: http://beetsblu.com/apps/app-store/runkeeper/

I use Nike+ (iPod Nano and iPhone 3Gs+) to run and measure all my distances, they even have a website that you can control your running, join runners, do running contests, etc ...

I'm very pleased with the entire solution.

And they have a Polar Heart Rate accessory now that will also monitored your heart beat.

though Nike+ App needs a little update, I love it!

P.S. I do not have a Nike+ Shoes... I use Asics, and I just put the sensor above my foot, works great!

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I use Cyclemeter and Digifit at the same time Cyclemeter gives me updates thru my ear piece and I have Digifit running Visual

Polar app for iPhone keeps tabs on your heart:

Polar USA, longtime experts in fit tech, recently introduced a free iPhone training app that works with the company’s $80 Polar H7 Heart Rate Sensor. This product focuses more on gathering workout info, including where you went (if you run or jog), and how long you worked out.

This was copied and pasted from http://www.pcworld.com/article/2024238/bluetooth-powers-gizmos-for-health-wristwatches-and-more.html

This is an interesting example of how the software got ahead of the hardware on iOS where the initial year or two of sensors were proprietary and locked to one vendor.

Today, you have several options for sensors that use Bluetooth 4.0 LE and can send heart rate signals to just about any app you choose.

I would look for a monitor that isn't tied to one app:

  • Wahoo Blue HRM - chest mounted with elastic straps
  • Mio Alpha - wrist watch (fairly large one at that)
  • Mio Link - wrist band that just collects rate data and is much smaller than the Alpha.

Most of the apps that are focused on fitness and running will seamlessly integrate the heart rate data into your workout tracking.

I have been using the new Polar Bluetooth heart rate monitor with my iPhone 5 and Runkeeper and it works fine.

You can see three graphs on your webpage for free: pace, altitude and heart rate. I posted at Nike support and the answer is that they are thinking about it.

I use the iSmoothRun app on my iPhone 4S with a Wahoo BlueHR HRM. This is an excellent combo because:

  • iSmoothRun is independent. It can export your data to many different sites including Nike+ and Runkeeper (and dropbox!)
  • iSmoothRun has very customizable exercise and voice feedback settings
  • iSmoothRun listens to its users' feedback and fixes issues quickly
  • The HRM is Bluetooth so it does not require a dongle (less bulk!)
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