
Our passwords are handled by an external LDAP server and the plugin we're using to therefore removes all references to the ability to change passwords.

What I'd like to do then, is add a link to the users profile editing page (where they get taken after clicking on their name) which points to our password change page.

How do I add a link here?

도움이 되었습니까?


I assume you mean /wp-admin/profile.php page and want to hide native password fields.

Try this (just test if form works ok with it):

add_filter( 'show_password_fields', 'modify_profile_password' );

function modify_profile_password( $show ) {

    <tr id="password">
    <th>Change your password at</th>
    <td><a href="">password change page</a></td>

    return false;
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