
Title says it all, i want it so if the user tries to navigate to any page or access anything in the website to be redirected to a login page, that's only if hes not logged in.

This is my simple login code :

public ActionResult login(MvcMobile.Models.Users x)
        var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.username == x.username && u.password == x.password);

    if (user == null)
        ModelState.AddModelError("","username or password is wrong.");

        FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.username, false);
    return View(user);

i tried to place this code in the main layout, but i got an infinite redirect loop :P

 @if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
          <p> Hi @User.Identity.Name</p>


any idea ?

도움이 되었습니까?


Decorate your controllers/actions with the [Authorize] attribute instead. Or if you want this to apply to all controllers add it as a global action filter:

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());

Of course by doing this you might want to exclude your AccountController from authentication by decorating it with the [AllowAnonymous] attribute:

Then in your web.config, set the loginUrl page of your forms authentication tag to point to the login page where all anonymous users will be redirected to:

<authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms loginUrl="~/home/login" />

다른 팁

In addition to Darin Dimitrov's answer, you should also config the LoginUrl attribute at the Web.config file, for example:

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms loginUrl="member_login.aspx"
    defaultUrl="index.aspx" />
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