
서브 세트 아래에 빨간색 스쿼그가있는 Diff에서 다음 오류가 발생합니다.
Type mismatch. Expecting a Range -> Choice but given a Range * Range -> Choice

FST와 SND를 사용할 필요가 없으므로 서브 세트 일치에 추가 할 수있는 일종의 유형 주석이 있습니까? 그렇지 않다면이 구문을 지원할 의도가 있습니까?

type Range = {min : int64; max : int64}

let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|SuperSet|SubSet|) (x, y) = 
    if x.min > y.max then After
    elif x.min >= y.min then
        if x.max <= y.max then SubSet
        else AfterOverlap
    elif x.max < y.min then Before
    elif x.max <= y.max then BeforeOverlap
    else SuperSet

let useOldx x xe ye = ()

let diff (xe:IEnumerator<Range>) (ye:IEnumerator<Range>) =
    match xe.Current, ye.Current with
    | After as tuple -> ()
    | Before as t -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx (fst t) xe ye
    | SuperSet as t -> 
        let x, y = t
        if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
    | SubSet as x, y -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
    | _ -> ()
도움이 되었습니까?


당신은 이것을 할 수 있습니다 :

    | (x,y) & SubSet -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye

또는 이것을 할 수 있습니다 :

open System.Collections.Generic 

type Range = {min : int64; max : int64}

let (|Before|After|BeforeOverlap|AfterOverlap|SuperSet|SubSet|) (x, y) = 
    if x.min > y.max then After
    elif x.min >= y.min then
        if x.max <= y.max then SubSet(x,y)
        else AfterOverlap
    elif x.max < y.min then Before
    elif x.max <= y.max then BeforeOverlap
    else SuperSet

let useOldx x xe ye = ()

let diff (xe:IEnumerator<Range>) (ye:IEnumerator<Range>) =
    match xe.Current, ye.Current with
    | After as tuple -> ()
    | Before as t -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx (fst t) xe ye
    | SuperSet as t -> 
        let x, y = t
        if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
    | SubSet(x, y) -> if xe.MoveNext() then useOldx x xe ye
    | _ -> ()
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