
I need to use erlang cassandra client(https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar) in my ejabberd server for message logging purpose.But I can run seestar client separately.But if I include seestar files into ejabberd src folder, I ran into function_clause error.This error tells no gen_server's call function found.Please suggest some solution?

 The error when I debug the code is :
(ejabberd@localhost)1> seestar_session_tests:session_test_().
(ejabberd@localhost)2> seestar_session_tests:test_schema_queries(0.112079720).

** exception exit: {{function_clause,[{gen,call,
     in function  gen_server:call/3 (gen_server.erl, line 188)
     in call from seestar_session:request/3 (seestar_session.erl, line 209)
     in call from seestar_session:perform/3 (seestar_session.erl, line 156)
     in call from seestar_session_tests:test_schema_queries/1 (seestar_session_tests.erl, line 33)
도움이 되었습니까?


You're not supposed to call the functions in seestar_session_tests directly, but through the Eunit library. Try this instead:

eunit:test(seestar_session_tests, [verbose]).

(The exact cause of the error above is that seestar_session_tests:test_schema_queries expects a pid, which the test framework would give it, but you invoke it with a floating point number.)

The Eunit tests can also be invoked from the commond line through Rebar. Change to the seestar directory and run rebar eunit.

다른 팁

You can use erlcass which is based on Datastax Official Cpp driver. To integrate just add it as dep to your rebar config file:

{erlcass, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/silviucpp/erlcass.git", {tag, "v2.2"}}}

Then into your application start method initialize the driver or use into you app.config the following:

                {contact_points, <<"">>},
                {port, 9042},
                {number_threads_io, 4},
                {queue_size_io, 128000},
                {max_connections_host, 5},
                {pending_requests_high_watermark, 128000},
                {tcp_nodelay, true},
                {tcp_keepalive, {true, 1800}},
                {keyspace, <<"keyspace_kere">>}
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