
Here is my question:

I write a register.htm document with html. but when i try to use JS to return the data that people write to the current page. it doesn`t work. i fill in the form,and press the button"提交",but nothing return to my page. which code is wrong? what can i do with the code?

please help me to use the JS implement return all value(include:name、sex、initData) for this html document.

3Q for you help

and here is my code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="keywords" content="注册" />

<script type="text/javascript">
  var sumbit = function(){
    var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
    var sex = document.getElementById("sex").value;
    var form = document.getElementById("form1").value;

<script type="text/javascript">
function initDate(year,month,day) {
          MonDays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
          var y = new Date().getFullYear();
          var m = new Date().getMonth()+1; //javascript月份为0-11
          var d = new Date().getDate();     
          for (var i = y; i >(y-50); i--)
              year.options.add(new Option(i,i));

          for (var i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                month.options.add(new Option(i,i));
            month.value = m     
            var n = MonDays[m-1];
            if (m == 2 && isLeapYear(year.options[year.selectedIndex].value))
            day.value = new Date().getDate();
function change(year,month,day) //年月变化,改变日,当鼠标点击select时触发onclick事件从而调用此函数
           var y = year.options[year.selectedIndex].value;                 

           var m = month.options[month.selectedIndex].value;
           //if (m == "" ){  clearOptions(day); return;}
           var n = MonDays[m - 1];
           if ( m ==2 && isLeapYear(y))
function createDay(n,day) //填充日期下拉框
           for(var i=1; i<=n; i++)
              day.options.add(new Option(i,i));
function clearOptions(ctl)//删除下拉框中的所有选项
            for(var i=ctl.options.length-1; i>=0; i--)
function isLeapYear(year)//判断是否闰年
          return( year%4==0 || (year0 ==0 && year%400 == 0));
function onload() { 


<body onload="onload()">

             <caption style="text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold;color:#444693">

           <tr><td>姓名:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" id="name"></td></tr>
           <tr><td>性别:</td><td><input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex" checked>男<input type="radio" name="sex" id="sex" checked>女</td></tr>
               <td align="right">出生日期:</td>
                 <form name="form1" id="form1">
                    <select name="select_year" onchange="change(this,document.form1.select_month, document.form1.select_day)">
                    <select name="select_month" onchange="change(document.form1.select_year, this,document.form1.select_day)">
                    <select name="select_day"></select>日
            <input type="button" value="提交" onclick="sumbit();" />
도움이 되었습니까?


I will start by making a few clarifications to the user, you should study how to work with javascript and jQuery, you cannot try to build up something and, if it's not working, ask here. This is a little help that could address you in a quite-right way.

Substitute your submit input with this:

<input type="submit" id="sendform" value="Send">

Then, PLEASE, add jQuery from CDN in the section of your page, then try this code (add what is missing, like code for name and sex...):

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
     $("#sendform").click(function() {
          var year = $("select[name=select_year]:selected").val();
          var month = $("select[name=select_month]:selected").val();
          var day = $("select[name=select_day]:selected").val();   
          $.get("page.php",{'year': year, 'month': month... })
          .done(function(msg) {
              alert("do whatever you want with the php response in "+msg);

다른 팁

First of all, you should consider fixing your code, for example, specifying the action and method in your form, for the sake of simplicity I'll just answer you how to submit the form(withouth jQuery):

Just change your submit function:

var sumbit = function(){
    var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
    var sex = document.getElementById("sex").value;
    document.getElementById("form1").submit(); //submit form
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