
Our SQLserver db containing the SharePoint config db went down, hardware failure, the content is on a different server, managed to get the config db from backup,

i ran stsadm -o delete configdb, but I keep getting 'access denied' when I try to reconnect to the old config db on the new server from the command:

stsdam -o setconfigdb -connect -databaseserver (newservername) -databasename SP2007_config -farmuser (SP farm admin user) -farmpassword (password)

after playing around with permissions and making sure everything is well permission wise, i got:

a network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL server.... (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - could not open a connection to SQL server)

allow remote connections to server is turned on, I am running stsadm on the same server because its all a 'one box' farm expect the config db was on a seperate box which is down????

tried psconfig and it hangs on;

Performing configuration task 2 of 3 Connecting to the configuration database... THEN

Failed to connect to the configuration database. An exception of type System.Security.SecurityException was thrown. Additional exception information: Access denied.

도움이 되었습니까?


You dont mention the version of SharePoint you are using, but since you mention stsadm i am gonna assume you are using SP2007.

You should follow this guide on technet. Be aware that the procedure varies depending on if you are running named instances (alias) or not.

For SP2010 use this article instead.

다른 팁

I was able to solve this issue but changing the parentID in the config database check the link below to the post


Remember to view if there exists a string connection of SharePoint_Config data base in SharePoint Server's Registry

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