
In Dojo, How to check that the button is already clicked or not. Here I need to do different task if button is clicked. For that I am using the following piece of code, but it is not working:

<form data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form"
    data-dojo-id="customerIdSelector" id="customerIdSelector"
    method="post" action="/ritl/chart/iCustomerBaseEntryBarChart.htm">
  <table >
         // Other components

      <button data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" id="buttonOne" type="n">
          <div class="ri-ok">Generate Graph</div>
          <script type="dojo/method" data-dojo-event="onClick"data-dojo-args="evt">
      if(buttonOne.onClick == true)
//    if(event.type == onClick)
      else  {
                alert('not clicked');
                return false;

inside if(), what condition should be passed to check click event?

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I am answering to affirm Dimitri's response in the OP's question. A Button Dijit is stateless so you would need a global variable or an element in the DOM to hold the state. However, you could just use a toggle button

You can get it's state by using dijit/registry: registry.byId('buttonOne').get('checked')

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