
Is there a way to convert: $("#first").find("input").not("td td input") (http://jsfiddle.net/4K9TG/) ...into a querySelectorAll selector?

(continuing from jQuery: find() children until a certain threshold element is encountered)

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I ended up making a function to do this.


var n = get_elements_until (document.getElementById('first'), 'input', 'td')
console.log (n)

function get_elements_until (parent, tagname_to_search_for, tagname_to_stop_at) {
 var element_list = []
 var stack_current = [parent]
 while (true) {
 var stack_new = []
  for (var s = 0, curlen_s = stack_current.length; s < curlen_s; s++) {
   var children = stack_current[s].childNodes
   for (var i = 0, curlen = children.length; i < curlen; i++) {
    var child = children[i], tagname = child.tagName
    if (typeof tagname == "undefined") continue
    tagname = tagname.toLowerCase ()
    if (tagname == tagname_to_search_for) element_list.push (child)
    if (tagname != tagname_to_stop_at) stack_new.push (child)
  stack_current = stack_new
  if (stack_new.length == 0) break
 return element_list

다른 팁

not is simply a filter over a collection that satisfies a condition. See if this helps.

var query = function(selector, element) {
  element = element || document;
  return [].slice.call(element.querySelectorAll(selector));

var not = function(selector) {
  var exclude = query(selector);
  return function(element) {
    return exclude.indexOf(element) == -1;

var inputs = query('#first input').filter(not('td td input'));

Here's a demo: http://jsbin.com/EJAyiSux/1/edit

You can implement most jQuery methods as simple filter and map sequences with higher-order functions, as shown above. After all, jQuery collections are just arrays of elements.

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