
I have a small HttpWebRequest that grabs some text from a online .txt file

After it gets it i want to save it to a .txt file on the computer.

Content of the text is formatet like this:

Line one
Line two
Line four
Line Five
Line ten etc.

But when it saves it ends up like this:

Line oneLine twoLine fourLine FiveLine ten etc.

How may I fix this?

Code is as follows:

HttpWebRequest WebReq3 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://test.net/test.txt");

HttpWebResponse WebResp3 = (HttpWebResponse)WebReq3.GetResponse();

System.IO.StreamReader sr3 = new System.IO.StreamReader(WebResp3.GetResponseStream());

System.IO.StreamWriter _WriteResult = new StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath + "\Test.txt");

도움이 되었습니까?


Read data using ReadLine() and write using WriteLine() instead of ReadToEnd() and WriteToEnd().

Remove this line:


And modify your code with this:

string readval = sr3.ReadLine();
while(readval != null)
    readval = sr3.ReadLine();

For more details, see the documentation.

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