
I am trying to create my first guardfile and have run into difficulties trying to minify some of my javascript files.

I want guard to watch the 'app/assets/js' directory and any time a file is changed within this directory, for a minified version of the file to be created within 'public/js' with the same name and if possible within the same directory name.

For example were I to save the bootstrap.js file within app/assets/js/vendor I would like for the minified version to be placed within the public/js/vendor/bootstrap.min.js file.

Below are the relevant parts of my current guardfile:

require 'cssmin'
require 'jsmin'

module ::Guard
  class Refresher < Guard

guard :refresher do
  watch('public/css/styles.min.css') do |m|
    css = File.read(m[0])
    File.open(m[0], 'w') { |file| file.write(CSSMin.minify(css)) }
  watch(%r[app/assets/js/.+]) do |m|
    js = File.read(m[0])
    File.open(m[0], 'w') { |file| file.write(JSMin.minify(js)) }

This is my first experience of Ruby and so beginner orientated answers would be appreciated. Thanks.

도움이 되었습니까?


You write to the same file you're reading. According to your question, you need something like:

watch(%r[app/assets/js/(.+)]) do |m|
  File.write("public/js/#{ m[1] }", JSMin.minify(File.read(m[0])))

Please note the capture group I've added to the regexp, so I can grab the filename with m[1].

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