
I have a clock app that shows time and weather.

  • When app launches I show clockViewController. If a user clicks on the the cloud looking button on it then I take them to weatherViewController
  • On weatherViewController I present 4 day weather forecast and if they click on the arrow button it takes them back to clockViewController.
  • I created both these buttons through drag and drop storyboard and added a Triggered Segues connection between the two view controllers. Pretty straight forward
  • Everything works as expected and designed. (see these screenshots)

enter image description here enter image description here

Now here's the weird part, yesterday I got an email from a user saying this word to word "It takes 2-3minutes and them it switches to weather and then after some period back and then weather and it stays on weather . It works perfect on my 4S but always with bug on 5S?"

How could this possibly happen? I thought about it being a hardware screen bug but how can it press buttons that are not laid out in the same pixel area on the screen?

I don't own a iPhone 5S so I cannot test that on a real device. I did however ran it in simulator (4-in 64 bit, Xcode 5, iOS 7) and for 30 minutes it remained on the clock page.

I kept telling this user that there is no way it could change on its own without someone actually touching the buttons but they keep insisting there is a bug in our software. Is this a problem with their hardware? Should they take their phone to Apple store? I am out of ideas ... short of telling them their is a ghost in their house that likes apple devices.

도움이 되었습니까?


I have seen things like this before, weird phantom presses on the screen caused by faulty or cheap Chinese chargers and cords. It happened to my wife. Whenever she had her phone plugged in to a certain charger and cord we got off eBay, the voltage difference (I assume) caused the capacitors on the screen to go bezerk and tap in the wrong place when she did, or simply tap on it's own. It's a longshot, but asking the user to try another charger may help. And, as always:

enter image description here

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