
I am hoping that someone knows if you can use RIMM's push service with BIS WITHOUT a hand held device. I have registered for the push evaluation and I want to program a push server that will send out notifications to BB clients. I got my email this morning containing:

Pwd: xxxXXXXX
CPID (Content Provider ID):xxx
Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY): X/X/XXXX
Expiry Date (MM/DD/YYYY):X/X/XXXX
First Name:XXXXXXX
Last Name:XXXXX
Account Type:Plus
Source IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


Application Credentials (for use in your client application):

Application ID:XXX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Push Port:xxxxx

I am hoping someone can tell me where to get started - as an iPhone developer, I have to say, there is much more information.

Lastly, if I DO need a device, does that device have to have a dataplan? I wanted to be able to serve my clients from WiFi as well, does the BB push system work only on Cell networks?

Thank you

도움이 되었습니까?


Since the Push server needs a PIN number, and that all simulator got the same PIN , you need a real device and an Dataplan to test it.

They can't reach a Simulator because you are not on any known Carrier.

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