
Is there a way in Magento where I can assign Attribute X's value to Attribute Y programmatically ?

So far I have tried this. I created the Y attribute with following settings:

                   'label'=>'Value of Attribute X',

In my backend model, I have done this:

class Namespace_Module_Model_Entity_Attribute_Backend_Myattribute extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Backend_Abstract
    public function beforeSave($object){
        $attrCode = $this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode();
        return $this;

I am able to see "HAHAHA" as the attribute value in the Product Edit page. I want to change this to value of another attribute. How do I do it ? How do I access another attribute's value of the same product from this class ?

PS: What I am actually trying to achieve is this. The attribute X is of type multi select with 100s of options. So the attribute Y must keep track of the options selected of X, and Y shows the value in product page in read-only format.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

I have solved this finally. I went by a different approach, I used Observer. This is what I did:

I created an Observer with following code:

class Namespace_Module_Model_Observer

private $_processFlag; //to prevent infinite loop of event-catch situation
public function  copyAttribute($observer){


    $_store = $observer->getStoreId();
    $_product = $observer->getProduct();
    $_productid = $_product->getId();

    $attrA = $_product->getAttributeText('attributeA'); //get attribute A's value

    $action = Mage::getModel('catalog/resource_product_action');
    $action->updateAttributes(array($_productid), array('attributeB'=>$attrA),$_store); //assign attrA's value to attrB

And my config.xml went like this:


So basically, I am using the event catalog_product_save_after which is fired whenever a product is saved. In my observer, I catch the event, get attributeA's value and assign to attributeB, and finally save my product.

That's it! I don't know if this is the best method, but it does work!

PS: Thanks to Keyul Shah for helping me solve this. He helped me directly on facebook. However the answer he posted below doesn't seem to work.

다른 팁

It's Simple



now assign the values to another attribute of that product



Don't forgot to save product.

A couple improvements to his answer that I came across while using it today. I can't comment due to no reputation so excuse me answering instead of commenting.


This was giving me a "SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry" error upon creating a new product. This was fixed by changing to:


Also, I found that the module was only working when the attributeB already had a value. This was due to using updateAttributes. Since I was only editing one attribute, I changed:

$action->updateAttributes(array($_productid), array('attributeB'=>$attrA),$_store);


$_product->setData('attributeB', $attrA);

and now it works great! Hope this helps another noob like me, thanks guys!

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