
I am using Grails 2.2.4 to build a web application, and now I am having a complex problem with Grails withCriteria operation. I have 3 classes as below:

class Person {
    int id
    String name
    Set<Car> cars = []  // One-to-many relationship
    Company currentCompany // One-to-one relationship

class Car {
    int id
    String manufacturer
    String brand
    double price
    Person owner

class Company {
    int id
    String name
    Set<Person> employees = []

And now I want to query data from Person as root class along with associated data like this:

List result = Person.withCriteria {
    projections {
        createAlias('cars', 'c', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
        createAlias('currentCompany', 'com', CriteriaSpecification.LEFT_JOIN)
        lt('id', 10L)

And the problem is, I don't know how to transform deeply the result data to a List of persons to make sure every single element contains its data as the class structure. I tried many methods like


but nothing worked as I expected.
Does Grails 2.2.4 support this? If yes so what is the correct syntax?
Thank you so much.

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Actually, after researching many articles, Grails documentation and even its source code, I think the best way to do this is implementing a custom transformer for my own purpose. The most difficult thing here is how to transform data to association objects and gather them to collection inside the root entity. And I have created one here: http://www.mycodestock.com/code/10333/
Hope it helps you guys who may need something like mine.

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