
I want to catch an exception, that is nested into another exception. I'm doing it currently this way:

} catch (RemoteAccessException e) {
    if (e != null && e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getCause() != null) {
        MyException etrp = (MyException) e.getCause().getCause();
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Error at calling service 'service'");

Is there a way to do this more efficient and elegant?

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There is no more elegant way of selectively "catching" nested exceptions. I suppose if you did this kind of nested exception catching a lot, you could possibly refactor the code into a common utility method. But it still won't be either elegant or efficient.

The elegant solution is to do away with the exception nesting. Either don't chain the exceptions in the first place, or (selectively) unwrap and rethrow the nested exceptions further up the stack.

Exceptions tend to be nested for 3 reasons:

  1. You have decided that the details of the original exception are unlikely to be useful for the application's error recovery ... but you want to preserve them for diagnostic purposes.

  2. You are implementing API methods that don't allow a specific checked exception but your code unavoidably throws that exception. A common workaround is to "smuggle" the checked exception inside an unchecked exception.

  3. You are being lazy and turning a diverse set of unrelated exceptions into a single exception to avoid having lots of checked exceptions in your method signature1.

In the first case, if you now need to discriminate on the wrapped exceptions, then your initial assumptions were incorrect. The best solution is change method signatures so that you can get rid of the nesting.

In the second case, you probably should unwrap the exceptions as soon as control has passed the problematic API method.

In the third case, you should rethink your exception handling strategy; i.e. do it properly2.

1 - Indeed, one of the semi-legitimate reasons for doing this has gone away due to the introduction of the multi-exception catch syntax in Java 7.

2 - Don't change your API methods to throws Exception. That only makes things worse. You now have to either "handle" or propagate Exception each time you call the methods. It is a cancer ...

다른 팁

The ExceptionUtils#getRootCause() method can come in very handy in such situations.

You should add some checks to see if e.getCause().getCause() is really a MyException. Otherwise this code will throw a ClassCastException. I would probably write this like:

} catch(RemoteAccessException e) {
    if(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getCause() instanceof MyException) {
        MyException ex = (MyException)e.getCause().getCause();
        // Do further useful stuff
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("...");

I just solved a problem like this by writing a simple utility method, which will check the entire caused-by chain.

   * Recursive method to determine whether an Exception passed is, or has a cause, that is a
   * subclass or implementation of the Throwable provided.
   * @param caught          The Throwable to check
   * @param isOfOrCausedBy  The Throwable Class to look for
   * @return  true if 'caught' is of type 'isOfOrCausedBy' or has a cause that this applies to.
  private boolean isCausedBy(Throwable caught, Class<? extends Throwable> isOfOrCausedBy) {
    if (caught == null) return false;
    else if (isOfOrCausedBy.isAssignableFrom(caught.getClass())) return true;
    else return isCausedBy(caught.getCause(), isOfOrCausedBy);

When you use it, you would just create a list of if's from most specific Exception to least specific, with a fallback else-clause:

try {
  // Code to be executed
} catch (Exception e) {
  if (isCausedBy(e, MyException.class)) {
    // Handle MyException.class
  } else if (isCausedBy(e, AnotherException.class)) {
    // Handle AnotherException.class
  } else {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Error at calling service 'service'");

I see no reason why you want exception handling to be efficient and elegant, I settle for effective. They're called Exceptions for a reason.

This code will be a maintenance nightmare. Can't you redesign the call stack to throw the Exception you are interested in? If it is important the method signatures should show it and not hide it wrapped in 2 other exceptions.

The first (e != null) is unnecessary.

And you can change the 3rd better to e.getCause().getCause() instanceof MyException)

You can do as below:

catch (RemoteAccessException e) {
    int index = ExceptionUtils.indexOfThrowable(e, MyExcetption.class)
    if (index != -1) {
    } else {

I doubt, but you can check with instanceof if the exception is of the correct type.

Edit: There should be a reason that the nested exception is wrapped, so you have to ask yourself what is the purpose of catching the nested one.

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