
Loading the .tbl file I've got this error:

[nicola@localhost ~]$ mclient -d dbmonet  -s  "COPY  INTO  monet.SUPPLIER  FROM  STDIN  USING  DELIMITERS ',','\\n','\"'" - < /home/nicola/Scrivania/tabellemonetdb/supplier.tbl
missing separator ',' line 0 expecting 6 got 1  fields
failed to import table
current transaction is aborted (please ROLLBACK)
syntax error, unexpected sqlINT in: "0201"

Why do I get this error? I'm using an ssb schema.

도움이 되었습니까?


Without knowing anything about the structure of the supplier.tbl file, my guess (from having used SSBM before) would be that it does not use "," as a field separator, but "|".

My SSBM loading command for the supplier table looks like this:

COPY INTO SUPPLIER FROM '/path/to/supplier.tbl' USING DELIMITERS '|', '|\n' LOCKED;
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