
Rails 4 + Ruby 2 + Geocoder gem

Controller Action

def index
 @your_id = request.ip #here i am getting localhost IP address like ""

I think in @your_id , it should capture IP address not localhost IP address("").

But at view i need to show the city that depends on my location example if you are in NY city then it should show NY city (by ip address) dynamically.

Any idea how to get city_name and IP address?

도움이 되었습니까?


The geocoder gem provides a #location method on the request object (source) which returns a location result with latitude and longitude:


=> #<Geocoder::Result::Freegeoip:0x007f8ecca5d608
@cache_hit=true, @data= {
"ip"=>"", "country_code"=>"US",
"country_name"=>"United States", "region_code"=>"CA", "region_name"=>"California",         "city"=>"Berkeley", "zipcode"=>"", "latitude"=>37.8716, "longitude"=>-122.2728,     "metro_code"=>"807", "areacode"=>"510"

To test this functionality in the browser, try using ngrok to expose your local server and throw some debugger statements in your controller to see what the request.location object looks like.

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