
I have the following code in Struts

<fmt:formatNumber  type="currency" currencySymbol="Rs" value="${product.priceSell + product.priceSell * rates[nr.count - 1]}" maxFractionDigits="2" minFractionDigits="2"/>

I want to convert it into Struts2. I tried below code, but its not working.

<s:text name="format.money">
    <s:param name="value" value="%{#product.priceSell+ #product.priceSell * #rates[#nr.count - 1]}" />

Note: rates is an Arraylist<String>.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use JSTL fmt tag in Struts2. JSP EL expression searches all scopes and valueStack in Struts2. Analogous to this for OGNL would be #attr prefix. So, to access scoped variables, and search in all scopes you should try something like

"%{#attr.product.priceSell+ #attr.product.priceSell * #attr.rates[#attr.nr.count - 1]}"

Note, the values in the expression should not be of type String. If you keep the values as strings, then it needs to parse them before using in the expression as a valid numbers and this better do in the action rather than in JSP.

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