
I tried looking at http://slides.html5rocks.com/#slide-orientation and it's not working in Chrome 10 (dev channel), which I thought supported that entire slideshow. I also tried loading the same slide with the Nexus One, which is the phone used for images in the specification, but that didn't work either. Does any device/browser currently support deviceorientation? Would it work on laptops that have the technology?

Also, what is that slide supposed to do when orientation is working?

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None so far, but people in the WebKit community are implementing it. Hopefully in a couple of months it will be available. Usually timeframes for new features are not set in stone.

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I am using Chrome 11.0.696.0 on a Macbook Pro, and that device orientation link works exactly how I imagine it should.

it doesn't seem to work in either Safari 5.0.3 or Firefox 3.6

it also doesn't work on my iphone 3gs

There's a technology preview of Opera Mobile that supports device orientation and the replacement, getUserMedia() API.

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