
During normal development I have a certain build function that needs to be performed. During release that build function needs to be replaced with a release equivalent (in this case Proguarding instead of copying).

I have thought that I might be able to get there using 2 profiles, a DevelopmentProfile and a ReleaseProfile, with the DevelopmentProfile activeByDefault.



And have the ReleaseProfile switched on via the release-plugin releaseProfiles attribute and the ReleaseProfile switched off via the releaseProfiles attributes


This looked feasible considering this piece on "Deactivating a Profile" http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html and the fact that the source for the release-plugin just constructs the profiles using the string provided.

But it doesn't seem to work. I suspect because the release-plugin prepends active profiles which probably overrides the profile deactivation.

In any case. Is there another way I can deactivate a profile during release. Or otherwise ensure that only one of these 2 profiles is active at any point.

And I'm not interested in solutions that involve me passing in a system property to explicitly activate a profile as they are not robust enough to survive the workload around here.

도움이 되었습니까?


OK, everything I have done above is 100% spot on. You can most definitely deactivate a profile during release as I have done above.

The reason it wasn't working for me was because the release-plugin config shown had been specified in a child pom and the parent pom was either overloading the value of releaseProfiles or had taken control altogether.

So moving my config to the parent made everything work.

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