
I'm trying to mock the canvas in Node.js using the virtual DOM in the React.js framework but I'm having trouble finding out how to create a canvas element and access the canvasContext.

I want to be able to create a new canvas object, get the context and draw a few lines.

This is what I've figured out so far (after npm install react)

>var DOM = require('react').DOM;
>var canvas = DOM.canvas();
{ props: { __owner__: null },
  _lifeCycleState: 'UNMOUNTED',
  _pendingProps: null,
  _pendingCallbacks: null }

Is there somewhere else that I should be creating the canvas and how can I access the canvas context?


도움이 되었습니까?


Sorry, React doesn't do anything special with canvas -- it simply defers to the browser for all the drawing stuff.

You might want to use something like https://github.com/learnboost/node-canvas instead for server rendering of canvas code.

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