
I might not explain my questions clear in the title, apologize. Here is the question with the code, it will be clearer,

stockData <- new.env()#Make a new environment for quantmod to store data in
startDate = as.Date("2006-12-29") #Specify period of time we are interested in
endDate = as.Date("2012-12-31")
monthlyStartDate = as.Date("2007-01-01")

# tickers <- c("AAPL","GOOG", "IBM")
tickers <- c("AAPL","GOOG", "IBM", "MSFT", "INTC", "YHOO", "F", "GS", "UL") 
# The tickers vector could be even larger, i.e.  50 stocks

stockData$AAPL.ret=diff(log(stockData$AAPL$AAPL.Adjusted)) # Compute log returns
stockData$GOOG.ret=diff(log(stockData$GOOG$GOOG.Adjusted)) # Compute log returns
stockData$IBM.ret=diff(log(stockData$IBM$IBM.Adjusted)) # Compute log returns


stockret = cbind(AAPLmonthly, GOOGmonthly, IBMmonthly)

The above code only used 3 tickers as an example, I want to know how to do a loop in R to make my whole vector of tickers into the stockret zoo object, could anybody help me? Much appreciated.

I am learning environment, just learnt the function is an closure, including the body, arguments and its environment, but I didn't know we could new an environment. So I got stuck here, stockData$AAPL.ret how do I put the stockData$ in front of my each element while doing a loop to assign values? Should I use "[" to do this? Besides, if I use the assign function to do this, in the code

stockData$AAPL.ret=diff(log(stockData$AAPL$AAPL.Adjusted)) # Compute log returns

how to do this, I'm just confused about how to make this stockData$AAPL$AAPL.Adjusted a more general argument in my assign function, any example would be much appreciated!

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use get to get data from an environment and assign to assign data to a symbol in an environment.

stockData <- new.env()
tickers <- c("AAPL","GOOG", "IBM", "MSFT", "INTC", "YHOO", "F", "GS", "UL") 
getSymbols(tickers, src="yahoo", env=stockData)

for (tick in tickers) {
  x <- get(tick, pos=stockData)  # get data from stockData environment
  x$ret <- diff(log(Ad(x)))      # add a column with returns
  assign(tick, x, pos=stockData) # assign back into stockData environment
  assign(paste0(tick, "monthly"), 
         apply.monthly(x, sum, na.rm=TRUE), 
         pos=stockData) # calc monthly sum and assign in stockData environment

Or, your could use eapply to apply a function to every object in the environment The result will be a list that you can coerce back into an environment

stockData <- as.environment(eapply(stockData, function(x) {
  x$ret <- diff(log(Ad(x)))

Or you could create a list of only the returns, then loop over that to calculate the monthly sums

R <- eapply(stockData, function(x) diff(log(Ad(x))))
monthly <- lapply(R, apply.monthly, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

You can merge the results into a single object like this

do.call(merge, R)
do.call(merge, monthly)

다른 팁

Assignment outside the local scope

Firstly, function bodies operate in a child scope, even when assigning to variables declared in the global or containing scope.

R has a special operator <<- for setting variables in parent scopes (environments). See ?assignOps for details.

For example:

a <- 1
(function(){ a <- a + 1 })()

A new a is created in the local scope at the point of assignment, so the internal value goes to 2, but the global remains 1.

a <- 1
(function(){ a <<- a + 1 })()

Using the <<- assignment operator searches the parent environments in turn and finds our global a. Global A gets the value 2 in this case.

Functional Programming

In R, functional programming is encouraged. See my other answer on quantmod for how you might approach this with time series.

Looks like a job for lapply and do.call for me, for instance (untested)

tickers <- c("AAPL","GOOG", "IBM")

as_monthly <- function(sym) {
    log_returns <- diff(log(stockdata[[sym]][[paste(sym, "Adjusted", sep=".")]]))
    aggregate(log_returns[2:nrow(log_returns),], as.yearmon, sum)

assign("stockret", do.call(cbind, lapply(tickers, as_monthly)), envir=stockdata)

It is not clear from your question how you populate the stockdata environment, though.

Quantmod has the unusual behavior that it adds its results to the enclosing environment.

> getSymbols(c("AAPL","ORCL"))
[1] "AAPL" "ORCL"

returns the list of symbols it retrieves, but has the side effect that it assigns the results into the caller's environment:

[1] "AAPL" "ORCL"

> nrow(AAPL)
> class(AAPL)
[1] "xts" "zoo"

For writing scripts, this can be messy, so as the OP suggests it can be a good idea to create a dedicated environment for this:

> stocks <- new.env()
> getSymbols(c("AAPL","ORCL"),stocks)
> ls(stocks)
[1] "AAPL" "ORCL"

This approach prevents name collisions, and allows the returned results to be processed as a group. Now we have collected the data together, it's more convenient to replace the environment with a more traditional data structure, for instance, have each ticker be a list element:

> stocksL <- as.list(stocks)

Now we can use Map or Lapply effectively.

> Map(function() { "do something " }, stocksL)

Note that since getSymbols prefixes the column names with the ticker name, it would be useful to clean that off:

> stocksL2 <- Map(function(x) {names(x)<-gsub(".*\\.","",names(x));x}, stocksL)

Now we can reprocess it

> adj <- Map(function(x) {diff(log(x$Adjusted))}, stocksL2)
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