
Is there any way to reset code completion in Xcode 5? There is a similar question here on StackOverflow where the answer is to delete the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserInfo, but that folder no longer exists. There is a folder called UserData but it contains stuff I'd rather not trash. The problem is that from the moment I installed Xcode 5, its code completion is overzealous, offering lists of far-fetched, useless and even wrong suggestions. For instance, following this instantiation:

CALayer *imageLayer = [CALayer layer];

typing on the next line: "imageLayer. " brings up the following list of suggestions:

  • Class class (this is the highlighted suggestion)
  • NSArray * classFallbacksForKeyedArchiver
  • Class classForCoder
  • Class classForKeyedArchiver
  • Class classForKeyedUnArchiver

At wilder moments I've even seen search terms I'd googled with Safari and my own surname pop up. I had hoped that code completion would improve (I'm running Xcode 5.0.2 on 10.9.1), but even after months of use (and two weeks into Mavericks) the ridiculousness persists. Anyone else have this problem?

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