
Currently I use FileZilla, FireFox and Sublime 3. Steps between editing and seeing result:

  • while (!allFilesSaved) { click; Ctrl-S; }
  • while (!foundFileZilla) Alt+Tab OR clickIcon;
  • while (!filesHighlighted) highlightFiles;
  • Enter OR dragWithMouse;
  • while (!foundFireFox) Alt+Tab OR clickIcon;
  • while (!atCorrectPage) locatePage;
  • if (wasAlreadyAtPage) F5;

That's at least 4 steps, assuming I have one unsaved file and have it as the current tab in Sublime, and also that the page doesn't autorefresh. How can I minimize the number of actions required?

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I recently started using rsub with Sublime, and I absolutely love it. If you have ssh access, this could be a great solution.

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