
So I have a very simple form on my page which looks like this

@using(Html.BeginForm("SomeAction", "SomeController", FormMethod.Post))

    // some other fields go here

    <input type="submit" value="DoStuff" />

and the action looks like this

public ActionResult SomeAction()
    // Do some stuff here and return

first of all, if I do not give the AntiForgeryToken method a salt parameter it does not generate any hidden field or anything like that containing a token, so clicking that submit button redirects to the error page, which says required anti forgery field is not present. Now, if I put any salt in there, for instance Username

Html.AntiForgeryToken(User.Identity.Name); // I Use FormsAuthentication

then the browser says, web page has a redirect loop. this is the first time I'm using AntiForgeryToken so I don't understand why this is happening. Can anyone help me out. Any help would be appriciated.

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The following Html extensions:


Always generates a hidden field, even if no salt has been passed as a parameter. What is more the anti-CSRF capabilities of MVC actually depend on two tokens: one is a hidden form element, and the other is a cookie. So the Html.AntiForgeryToken() helper doesn't just return an HTML snippet. It also has a side effect of setting this cookie. So you need to make sure that cookies are enabled.

Btw any other overload of this method apart from the parameterless one is obsolete: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.mvc.htmlhelper.antiforgerytoken(v=vs.118).aspx

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