
i am trying to build an instant messaging application for my final year project . i have to design a authentication system for my app i.e. i will communicate with my server (my laptop) by providing my mob no. username and email id, my server will send me a code which i need to re enter in-order to get access to my app. But the problem is i am able to figure it out myself but i lack the knowledge to develop such a server communication system . Can anyone suggest me how to proceed ..

I am providing a much clear picture about my idea.

  1. The server should get my device ip address while registering and should store it in a db along with my number and other details.
  2. Then it should send me a unique number ( its just a customer id ) through sms.
  3. This number is then sent by the me to the server where its matched and then an access token is sent for me .

    as of now this is my aim .... can anyone guide me ?

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