
I am currently trying to create the Mac App store version of my Firemonkey application. My problem is, that the created bundle and pkg file names are not those I want:

enter image description here

Instead of daform.app, I want something like "DA-FormMaker.app".

My question is, is there a setting where I can configure that in Delphi (I am using XE4)? Currently its just using the Delphi project name and its get installed in applications with that name.

I tried to rename the bundle manually and created the pkg file via command line, but it still installs with the old name:

macbook:da-Air da$ sudo installer -store -pkg DA-FormMaker.pkg -target /
installer: Note: running installer as an admin user (instead of root) gives better Mac App Store fidelity
installer: DA-FormMaker.pkg has valid signature for submission: 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: ...
installer: Installation Check: Passed
installer: Volume Check: Passed
installer: Bundle de.dasoftware.daformmaker will be relocated to /Applications/daform.app
installer: Starting install

Is there a way how this can be done? Maybe I am just blind and cannot find the setting in the IDE.

Thanks in advance.


도움이 되었습니까?


OK, thanks to the comments above from Ken White, which gave me a good hint I managed to come up with a solution.

I was not able to change that in Delphi-XE4 itself. I changed the bundle name as suggested above, but the output was still the same (daform.pkg).

So I renamed the daform.app to DA-FormMaker.app and build the pkg file on my own:

productbuild --component DA-FormMaker.app /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" DA-FormMaker.pkg

The test installation with the command

installer -store -pkg DA-FormMaker.pkg -target /

installed the application correctly into the /Applications/DA-FormMaker.app folder.

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