
I am: Django 1.5, django-registration 1.0; DEV environ is windows and PROD environ is an EC2 instance with Ubuntu12.4.

I am getting the error: No module named backends.default.urls in both PROD and DEV environs. However, in DEV, the one time it works fine is when I:

put django-registration as an app (from the source) and include it in INSTALLED_APPS, with the registration folder right alongside my other apps.

Any idea why it works fine in DEV and not in PROD?

Also, if I instead use:

pip install django-registration

and follow the suggestion here https://stackoverflow.com/a/7349220/3254791 I get the error No module named urls instead of No module named backends.default.urls

올바른 솔루션이 없습니다

다른 팁

you likely have an old *.pyc file lying around from django 1.4 which is making it work in DEV

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