
I have to use Windows for my work so there it's a big deal to symbolicate iOS crash reports there. Are there any tools or tips how to make it more convenient?

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this application may help you : https://sourceforge.net/projects/ioscrashlogstool/

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It is not possible to symbolicate on Windows. While Apple uses a perl script for parsing the crash report, it relies on otool and atos to get the actual symbols from the dSYMs for a given address and architecture.

Edit: Only otool is available as open source, thanks to Emmanuel in the comments for the hint.

These are your options (to my best knowledge):

  1. Ask a friend/colleage with a Mac and provide them the dSYMs and crash reports
  2. Get a Mac to do that work.
  3. Rent a Mac Mini on a hosted environment (Macminicolo, MacStadium, etc.)
  4. Use a third party crash reporting service, which provides symbolication features and is also able to symbolicate apple formatted crash reports (HockeyApp.net supports that)
  5. Use a third party crash reporting service, which collects your crashes and symbolicates them right away. There are multiple services on the market for this.

(Disclaimer: I am a Co-Founder of HockeyApp)

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