
I'm stuck on the Firebase security rules. I don't understand how it maps the "url" into the $variable.

How are these two mapped?

"$user": {
  ".read": "$user == 42" // where does this $user get its value from?

Given this rule set:

  "rules": {
    "users": {
      "$provider": {
          "$user": {
            ".read": "$user == auth.id",
            ".write": "$user == auth.id",

Does not work:

Attempt to read /users/twitter/169508069 with auth={"id":169508069}
    /users/twitter/169508069: "$user == auth.id"
        => false

No .read rule allowed the operation.
Read was denied.

Works: (changed rule to the fixed user id)

Attempt to read /users/twitter/169508069 with auth={"id":169508069}
    /users/twitter/169508069: "169508069 == auth.id"
        => true

Read was allowed.

Based on the documentation of $location variables, it looks to me like I have the mapping from $user to ".read": "$user == auth.id" correct, but I must be missing something.

도움이 되었습니까?


Whoah! So the actual problem is that I registered the rule for auth.id in the simulator as 169508069, the integer. $user has the value of "169508069", the string. When I manually set the value to compare against (an integer), of course it works.

Pretty tricky to track down.

Suggestion for the Firebase folks: print the computed value of the $variable in the security simulator output to help isolate security issues.

For others, just a heads up to be wary of data types.

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