
I would like to instance a model object of the Ebean project with scala and the fremework Play 2.2. I face to an issue with the ID autogenerate and the class parameteres / abstraction :

    class Task(@Required val label:String) extends Model{
      val id: Long

object Task {
  var find: Model.Finder[Long, Task] = new Model.Finder[Long, Task](classOf[Long], classOf[Task])

  def all(): List[Task] = find.all.asScala.toList

  def create(label: String) {
   val task =  new Task(label)

  def delete(id: Long) {

The error : "class Task needs to be abstract, since value id is not defined". Any idea to avoid this problem?

도움이 되었습니까?


I found the solution thanks this link : http://www.avaje.org/topic-137.html

import javax.persistence._
import play.db.ebean._
import play.data.validation.Constraints._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

@Table( name="Task" )
class Task{

var id:Int = 0

var label:String = null


 * Task Data Access Object. 
object Task extends Dao(classOf[Task]){

   def all(): List[Task] = Task.find.findList().asScala.toList

  def create(label: String) {
     var task = new Task
     task.label = label

  def delete(id: Long) {

And the DAO :

 * Dao for a given Entity bean type. 
abstract class Dao[T](cls:Class[T]) {  

   * Find by Id. 
  def find(id:Any):T = {  
    return Ebean.find(cls, id)  

   * Find with expressions and joins etc. 
  def find():com.avaje.ebean.Query[T] = {  
    return Ebean.find(cls)  

   * Return a reference. 
  def ref(id:Any):T = {  
    return Ebean.getReference(cls, id)  

   * Save (insert or update). 
  def save(o:Any):Unit = {  

   * Delete. 
  def delete(o:Any):Unit = {  
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