
I am new to Python and have been writing scripts that do some tasks to certain FITS files. The script that I currently use is this:

# General routines
import numpy as np
import math 
import pyfits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab as py
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# Load the FITS file into the program
hdulist1 = pyfits.open('/home/ssridhar/mock_test_files/most_massive_halo_density.fits')
hdulist2 = pyfits.open('/home/ssridhar/mock_test_files/less_massive_halo_density.fits')

tbdata1 = hdulist1[1].data
tbdata2 = hdulist2[1].data

# variables for table1
ra_1 = tbdata1.field('ra')
dec_1 = tbdata1.field('dec')
zcosmo_1 = tbdata1.field('zcosmo')
r200_1 = tbdata1.field('halo_r200')
r_1 = tbdata1.field('dist_to_center')
m200_1 = tbdata1.field('halo_mass')
rho_0_1 = tbdata1.field('rho_0')
rho_1 = tbdata1.field('density')

# variables for table2
ra_2 = tbdata2.field('ra')
dec_2 = tbdata2.field('dec')
zcosmo_2 = tbdata2.field('zcosmo')
r200_2 = tbdata2.field('halo_r200')
r_2 = tbdata2.field('dist_to_center')
m200_2 = tbdata2.field('halo_mass')
rho_0_2 = tbdata2.field('rho_0')
rho_2= tbdata2.field('density')

# global variables
pi = math.pi
rad = pi/180 # converting degrees to radians

c_m = 25
delta_c_m = (200*c_m**3)/(3*(math.log(1+c_m)-(c_m/(1+c_m))))
c_l = 5
delta_c_l = (200*c_l**3)/(3*(math.log(1+c_l)-(c_l/(1+c_l))))

r_s_1 = r200_1/c_m
r_s_2 = r200_2/c_l

# finding x = r/r_s
x_1 = np.linspace(0.0,3.5,num=1242)/r_s_1
x_2 = np.linspace(0.0,2.7,num=135)/r_s_2

# splitting values to find sigma(x)

a_11 = (2*delta_c_m*rho_0_1*r_s_1)/(x_1**2-1)
b1_1 = (2/(np.sqrt(1-x_1**2)))
c1_1 = np.arctanh(np.sqrt((1-x_1)/(1+x_1)))
b2_1 = 2/(np.sqrt(x_1**2-1))
c2_1 = np.arctan(np.sqrt((x_1-1)/(1+x_1)))

a_12 = (2*delta_c_l*rho_0_2*r_s_2)/(x_2**2-1)
b1_2 = (2/(np.sqrt(1-x_2**2)))
c1_2 = np.arctanh(np.sqrt((1-x_2)/(1+x_2)))
b2_2 = 2/(np.sqrt(x_2**2-1))
c2_2 = np.arctan(np.sqrt((x_2-1)/(1+x_2)))

# implementing the conditions for x
a_1_1 = a_11[x_1<1]
b_1_1 = b1_1[x_1<1]
c_1_1 = c1_1[x_1<1]

a_2_1 = a_11[x_1>1]
b_2_1 = b2_1[x_1>1]
c_2_1 = c2_1[x_1>1]

a_1_2 = a_12[x_2<1]
b_1_2 = b1_2[x_2<1]
c_1_2 = c1_2[x_2<1]

a_2_2 = a_12[x_2>1]
b_2_2 = b2_2[x_2>1]
c_2_2 = c2_2[x_2>1]

# finding sigma(x), the projected NFW profile

sigma_x_m1 = a_1_1*(1-(b_1_1*c_1_1))
sigma_x_m2 = a_2_1*(1-(b_2_1*c_2_1))
sigma_x_m = np.concatenate((sigma_x_m1,sigma_x_m2))

sigma_x_l1 = a_1_2*(1-(b_1_2*c_1_2))
sigma_x_l2 = a_2_2*(1-(b_2_2*c_2_2))
sigma_x_l = np.concatenate((sigma_x_l1,sigma_x_l2))

# fits

A_m = 400
B_m = (sigma_x_m/m200_1)
sigma_fit_m = A_m*B_m

A_l = 40
B_l = (sigma_x_l/m200_2)
sigma_fit_l = A_l*B_l

# finding the projected number density profile

r_hist_1 = np.histogram(r_1/r200_1, bins=20, range=None, normed=False, weights=None)

r_hist_2 = np.histogram(r_2/r200_2, bins=20, range=None, normed=False, weights=None)

N_1 = r_hist_1[0]  # the array of number of galaxies within specific (r) bins 
dist_1 = r_hist_1[1]
area_1 = math.pi*((dist_1[1:2]-dist_1[0:1])**2)
sigma_num_1 = N_1/area_1

N_2 = r_hist_2[0]  # the array of number of galaxies within specific (r) bins 
dist_2 = r_hist_2[1]
area_2 = math.pi*((dist_2[1:2]-dist_2[0:1])**2)
sigma_num_2 = N_2/area_2

The programme takes in two FITS files which have the same column names and perform tasks on the data in the columns. The code works fine and I get my results.

The problem here is that since the columns of the FITS have the same name, I had to load them all separately by assigning variables to each of the columns differently and perform the tasks.

Is it possible to write a single program that will take in as the input the FITS files and perform the tasks without having to assign variables to each column separately?

도움이 되었습니까?


Do you want something like:

fields = ['ra', 'dec', 'zcosmo', 'halo_r200', 'dist_to_center', 
          'halo_mass', 'rho_0', 'density']

variables1 = dict((f, tbdata1.field(f)) for f in fields)

You can then access the variables like:

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