
I need to get some information about patient from HL7Message V2.4(Or V2.3, V2.3.1), How do i get these? i need these; Filenumber, recorddate, department name, doctor, father name, complaint, diagnosis info and diagnosis date, etc.

도움이 되었습니까?


You might be refering to certain terms in your own language. As far as I can break down your terms below is a list for your requirements.

File number :

PID.18 Patient account number, thats where the filenumber goes. If filenumber is treated as patient IDs then its either PID.2 or PID.3

Father name :

in NK1.2 or GT1.3 or IN1.16 segment, if relation ship is established. That is, if NK1.3,GT1.11 or IN1.17 code suggest it is a father son relationship.

Department :

PV1.3.1 -point of care in an ADT message or in the LDP segment in LDP.2 in an MFN message.


PV1.7 Attending provider.

PV1.8 referring provider.

PV1.52 Auxilliary Provider.

OBR.16 Ordering provider.

Diagnosis Information:

DG1 segment

DG1.3 - Code

DG1.5 - Date and time

You can find more documentation on this link

다른 팁

Just check the relevant fields of the PID segment, especially

PID/5 Patient Name  
PID/7 Date/Time of Birth  
PID/8 Sex  
PID/11 Patient Adress

You will find location data in the PV1 segment.
All the doctors should be in PV1 too.
Diagnosis data is in the DG1 segment.
Fathers name could be in NK1.

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