
In my .htaccess file

php_value auto_append_file "run_me_first.php"

Because I want to run it first before any other file. Now it works if run_me_first.php and foo.php are in the same directory but once I do something like going in a directory, it gives me this error (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')

|_ .htaccess
|_ run_me_first.php
|_ foo.php
|_ folder1
   |_ bar.php // If I try to access this, give me the error above.

Any idea?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can set the full path linking to your root folder, to make your rule directory-recursive. You can see the path on your cPanel, or using php function getcwd() in run_me_first.php.

In my case the path would be like this:

php_value auto_append_file "/home/userID/public_html/run_me_first.php"

Note: If you want to prepend file(in this case your appending the file to the end of every file), use auto_prepend_file instead.

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