
(JVCL - JEDI) Is it possible to change the caption on JvLoginDialog1 that says "type your user name and password to enter the application" ?

도움이 되었습니까?


I presume you're talking about the "hint label", instead of the Caption which you can change in OI. You can modify/localize RsHintLabel resource string in 'jvresources.pas' for that. Also see other entries under the heading 'JvLoginForm.pas' in the same unit.

다른 팁

I didn't want to change the original source code (last change: 2004!) because it would get lost on reinstallation. So I cheated:

class procedure TFormMain.ApplicationOnModalBegin(Sender: TObject);
  with Application do
    if Components[ComponentCount - 1] is TJvLoginForm then
      (Components[ComponentCount - 1] as TJvLoginForm).OnFormShow:= JvLoginFormShow;

class procedure TFormMain.JvLoginFormShow(Sender: TObject);
  (Sender as TJvLoginForm).HintLabel.Caption:= 'my hint';

Note: TJvLoginDialog has an OnShow event, it just doesn't work. It would make it a lot easier to customize the dialog. I did not test it, but I guess the fix could be in function TJvLoginDialog.DoLogin: add OnFormShow:= Self.OnShow;.

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