
I have a list like this, say for example the list name is output which has:

[[[o, g], [g, o]], [[o, g, o, d]], [[o, d]], [[t, s, n, e, e, e, n, c, s]], [[t, s, n, e, e]], [[e, n, c, s]]]

And I have a input like this, say input is:


Now obviously, the input can be formed from output. I tried the subsequences() of output to find the possible combinations that form the input, but the thing is it wont work for all the input.

Can anyone say me how I can find the combinations of output that will be equal to input? And possibly store in some list.

Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


Given just this small set of test data you have supplied, I came up with this:

def list = [[['o', 'g'], ['g', 'o']], [['o', 'g', 'o', 'd']], [['o', 'd']], [['t', 's', 'n', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'n', 'c', 's']], [['t', 's', 'n', 'e', 'e']], [['e', 'n', 'c', 's']]]

// For every combination of the lists
def result = list.combinations().collect { combination ->
  // Join them into strings
  combination*.join().with { stringcombo ->
    // Then find every string in the list
    stringcombo.findAll { word ->
      // Which is not a substring of another string in the list
      (stringcombo - word).every { it.indexOf( word ) == -1 }
  }.permutations()*.join() // Then get every String permutation of these remaining strings
}.flatten().unique() // and get them into a single unique list

// And print them out
result.each {
  println it

Which prints out:


Without more data, it's hard to tell if it is correct, but it might be a good starting place for you


Updated to return all permutations of the valid tokens

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