
I'm trying to implement a kind of CRTP (if I well understand what it is) with multiple inheritance.

My main goal is to have a unified way to access list of instances of each subclass.

May problem seems to reside in the namespace utilization.

Here is the code of the simplest version : http://ideone.com/rFab5

My real problem is more similar to : http://ideone.com/U7cAf

I have an additional warning using clang++ :

test.cpp:28:63: warning: static data member specialization of 'instances' must originally be declared in namespace 'NS1'; accepted as a C++0x extension [-Wc++0x-extensions]
template <> std::list<NS1::Derived*> NS1::Base<NS1::Derived>::instances;
test.cpp:15:34: note: explicitly specialized declaration is here
        static std::list<T*> instances;

Problem has been updated since it does not behave the same using namespaces.

Problem re-edited to post code on Ideone

도움이 되었습니까?


The problem is that you've tried to define the list variable wrong. You need to provide a definition for Base, in general- you don't just define it for the one part that happens to be Derived's subclass, unless it's an explicit specialization.

template<typename T> std::list<T*> NS1::Base<T>::instances;


Compiles with no errors. There are no intermediates or anything like that required.

다른 팁

Changing Base() and Intermediary() to Base<U>() and Intermediary<Derived> in the constructors makes the code OK for GCC.

There is no reason to change the definition of instances in the second case: the template is identical as the first situation.

Afaik, you got the following options.
First, if Intermediate is always templated on the derived type, you don't need a list for it, because it will never be the most derived type. If it could be templated on other types / not be derived, you can add a defaulted non-type bool template parameter like so:

template<bool, class A, class B>
struct select_base{
  typedef A type;

template<class A, class B>
struct select_base<false,A,B>{
  typedef B type;

template<class T, bool IsDerived = false>
class Intermediate
  : public select_base<IsDerived,
                       Base<Intermediate<T> >
  // ...

// derived use
class Derived : public Intermediate<Derived, true>
  // ...

// non-derived use:
Intermediate<int> im;

If the intermediate class is not templated and does not already derive from Base, you need to derive from Base again in the most derived class:

class Derived : public Intermediate, public Base<Derived>
  // ...

The big problem comes when the intermediate also derives from Base but is not templated. You can add a defaulted derived type, but that would make the non-derived use a bit more ugly:

#include <type_traits> // C++0x, use std::
//#include <tr1/type_traits> // C++03, use std::tr1::

struct nil_base{};

template<class Derived = nil_base>
class Intermediate
  : public select_base<std::is_same<Derived,nil_base>::value,
                       Base<Intermediate<Derived> >, //
  // ...

// derived use now without boolean flag
class Derived : public Intermediate<Derived>
  // ...

// non-derived use a bit uglier
Intermediate<> im;
//          ^^ -- sadly needed

The following compiles OK with MinGW g++ 4.4.1, MSVC 10.0, and Comeau Online

#include <list>

template <class T>
class Base
    static std::list<T*> instances;

template <class U>
class Intermediary : public Base<U>

class Derived : public Intermediary<Derived>

template<class Derived> std::list<Derived*> Base<Derived>::instances;

int main()

The instances definition is copied verbatim from your question.

I say as Isaac Newton, I frame no hypotheses!

Cheers & hth.,

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