
How can you pass parameters into the keydown method from jquery because whenever I use a variable defined elsewhere it returns undefined. I assume its because the #target is window and therefore its not in the scope but even then I have trouble getting it to compare the key.which() with an outside parameter and then assigning it to another property.


var a = 38;
var b = 0;
  var key = e.which;
  if (a==key)

Whenever I try to do something along the same lines it returns 38 0 which I interpreted as it not being in the scope and being undefined (also because if I log b it prints undefined in the keydown func)? How could I pass in a?

도움이 되었습니까?


You console.log is not working because it is initialized when the script load. What you need to do is to trigger your functions when the key is pressed.

// When the document is ready
$(function() {
      var key = e.which;
      var a = 'a scoped variable';
      switch (key) {
          // Up arrow
          case 38: 
             a = upArrowFunction(a); // Assign a to the returned value.
          // Down arrow
          case 40:


   function upArraowFunction(a) {
       a = 'I change a, but a is not changed in keydown event';
       return a; // But now I return the changed variable so it will change if a variable is assigned where the function is called.

   function downArrowFunction() {
       // Do something else

다른 팁

Do did you mean to have the console.log inside the keydown function?

I was able to get it to respond (as I would expect) like this:

$(function() { /* on page load load */
  var a = 38;
  var b = 0;
    var key = e.which;
    if (a === key) {
    console.log(a, b, key);

within the scope of the keydown function, a and b get set properly if you hit the up-arrow.

I suspect that what was happening was that your console.log happened on page load. Then after that, you initialized the binding and so you never saw the updated results.

Try this

    $(document).on("keydown", function(e, key){
      var a = 38;
      var b = 0;
      if (e.which === a) {b = e.which};
      var key = (key === undefined ? b : a);
      return console.log(a + " " + b + " " + key)


yes but the problem is that within key down I can't use a and b because they get set to undefined and I have to initiate them in another part of my program – user3030188

Call your functions when the keydown event is triggered and maybe you could send the variable to the function instead of making it global. – L105

Yah that makes sense but what im wondering is whether I could pass in a or b as a case statement if I defined them in another part of the program would they get overridden why would it return undefined? – user3030188

Try this

function key(e, a, b, key) {
/* settings */
   var a = (a === undefined ? 38 : a);
   var b = (b === undefined ? 0 : b);
   if (e.which === a) {b = e.which};
   var key = (key === undefined ? b : a);
   return console.log(a + " " + b + " " + key)

$(document).on("keydown", key); /* `38` `38` `38` */

/* `a`, `b` */
$(document).on("keydown", key({},undefined,undefined,undefined)); /* `38` `0` `0` */

/* a`, `b`, or `n` */
$(document).on("keydown", function(n) {
  var n = 35;
}); /* `37` `35` `35`*/

/* `n` */
$(document).on("keydown", function(n) {
  var n = 35;
}); /* `35` `35` `35`*/
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