
I have some problems managing good looking URL for my site.

I have 3 models: Town, Restaurant, Food.

TownController is using TownService and Index shows all Towns (other methods are Edit, Create, Delete)

Similar is with RestaurantController - using RestaurantService and Index shows all Restaurants in chosen Town)

FoodController - using FoodService and Index shows all Foods in chosen Restaurant


/Town - shows all towns

/Restaurant/Index/1 - shows all restaurants in Town with ID = 1

/Food/Index/1 - shows all foods in Restaurant with ID = 1

Only /Town is fine URL, rest are not good. Second should be more like /Town/1 but since RestaurantController is showing all restaurants in Town it must be written /Restaurant/Index/1.

Is there way to change that construction? Also note that client insists on not using custom routes/attribute routing.

Best SEO at end would be /Town/TownName/RestaurantID (or even restaurantName) but thats not that important if you could help me with previous request.


도움이 되었습니까?


You need to modify and add some custom routes to RouteConfig.cs in your App_Start folder. You should have the following default route in the RegisterRoutes method

            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

This route means that if you pass it nothing for the controller, the action or the id it will go to /Home/Index/, if you pass it a controller it will got to /Town/Index. If you register the following route BEFORE the default route (they get tried in order, so the default route should always be last)

            name: "Restaurant",
            url: "Town/{id}",
            defaults: new { controller = "Restaurant", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

this will capture any url that has '/Town/' and an integer while still letting '/Town/' by itself go to the Town controller.

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